... roma bags ...
Roma bags offer the opportunity of participating in an environmental revival.
We believe that waste can be reborn into beauty with a purpose in life.
Roma develops handcrafted products from the waste of the community, with the philosophy that waste can be reproduced into a functional item of beauty.
Roma began as a design project in college. In the Fall of 2005, I was given the assignment to turn "trash into cash". I found car vinyl scraps from a local upholstery shop and taught myself how to sew. I manufactured 20 bags, sold them at the local art museum and they were an instant hit (it also probably helped that I lived with 6 other girls to help spread the word)!
Wanna see a video of roma that was made while I was in college? Click here!
I saw the potential of turning this project into a small company, so I did. While balancing earning my Industrial Design degree and working on Roma, I sold my products at local boutiques, craft fairs, farmer's markets and friends hosted purse parties. I was blessed with success and enjoyed every moment of it.
Check out Roma's resume!
In 2009, I decided to pursue a corporate career and put Roma on hold. While I am still enjoying my career, I've decided to start this Roma blog up again as a place where I can collect inspiration and document my own projects. Thank you so much for visiting!
10% of Roma's profit is donated to Remember Nhu, an organization that rescues children from the sex slave industry. Please check out their web site for more info.
... about the designer ...
My name is Jennifer and I love being creative. I have a degree in Industrial Design and enjoy mixing the clean crisp lines of ID with my passion for all things crafty, messy and collaged. I'm married to my bestfriend Ben, and we are partners in crime snowboarding, splitboarding and mountain biking together. Our passion for Christ exceeds all things and we joyfully love serving at youth group. When I'm not designing or playing outside, I also enjoy reading, playing the piano and gardening. Thank you so much for checking out my bags and your support.
Please say hello!
Wanna see my Industrial Design portfolio? Check it out here on coroflot.